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Research Visit of Maria Poveda at Irstea Clermont-Ferrand
María Poveda-Villalón was invited as a scientific researcher at the TSCF laboratory in the Clermont-Ferrand center of Irstea. Her stay was funded by the CAP 20-25 Visiting Scholar Fellowship 2017 (WoW program). His stay began on March 11, 2018 for a period of 1 month.
Project Goals
María Poveda has a Post Doctoral position in the Ontology Engineering Group. She was recommended by Oscar Corcho to go on with our sensor ontology research projects.
She takes part of an ongoing project about Ontology Engineering dedicated to the extension of the SAREF (Smart Appliances REFerence) ontology for the agriculture domain among others funded by the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI). This extension would lead to the modelling of specific sensors, devices and data for agriculture domain. Her doctoral thesis focused on ontology evaluation based on a catalogue of common pitfalls. The thesis also includes the technological support for automating the detection of 33 of the 41 pitfalls defined. The software is called OOPS (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!).
Thanks to the experimental site of Montoldre and the Agrotechnopôle, we have access to several datasets that described crop management in the farmer information system, raw data from sensors in the fields, alert information from agricultural bulletins.
The topic of the project is related to the program “instruments” of the ISITE CAP 2025 (topics on sensors for data acquisition). The work with Maria Poveda will benefit to the ISITE Montoldre platform. The goal of the project is to benefit of the experience of Maria Poveda to translate these datasets in Semantic Web Languages and to check the correctness of these translated datasets. We expect to develop some new agricultural ontology patterns and antipatterns in order to improve the quality of our datasets. We also expect that our work would lead to some publications.
During her stay, she made several presentations on her research topics:
- a seminar the 4th of April on the campus of Cezeaux on Data publication on the LOD using Semantic Web technologies
Seminar Maria Poveda April 4, 2018
- a presentation of his research activities to the Connected Intelligence team at the University of Saint-Etienne
Visit of Maria Poveda and Catherine Roussey April 5, 2018
María Poveda-Villalón Curriculum Vitae
María Poveda-Villalón is a postdoctoral researcher at Ontology Engineering Group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Her research activities focus on Ontological Engineering, Ontology Evaluation, Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web. Previously she finished her studies in Computer Science (2009) by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and then she moved to study the Artificial Intelligence Research Master finished in 2010 in the same university. She has collaborated during research stays with Mondeca (París, France) in 2013, the Free University of Berlin in 2012 and the University of Liverpool in 2011. She has worked in the context of Spanish research projects as well as in European projects. Currently she is involved in the European project VICINITY (Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect IoT infrastructures and smart objects), an ETSI project to extend the SAREF ontology and is part of the W3C Web of Things Working Group. She has attended international conferences and co-organized the "4th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2016)", the "13th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop and 5th OWL reasoner evaluation workshop" and the "Linked Energy Data Vocamp".
Universitary titles
- 2016: PhD on Artificial Intelligence - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Ontology Evaluation: a pitfall-based approach to ontology diagnosis
- 2010: Master in Artificial Intelligence - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- 2009: Engineer in Computer Science - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Profile Google Scholar:
Indexed journal publications:
- M. Poveda-Villalón, A. Gómez-Pérez, M.C. Suárez-Figueroa. “OOPS! (OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!): An On-line Tool for Ontology Evaluation”. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS). IGI Publishing. Vol 10(2). Pages (7- 34). 2014. DOI: 10.4018/ijswis.2014040102
- Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, Ghislain A. Atemezing, María Poveda-Villalón, Bernard Vatant. “Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV): a gateway to reusable semantic vocabularies on the Web”. Semantic Web Journal. ELSEVIER. Vol 8. Pages (437-452). 2017. DOI: 10.3233/SW-160213
- Janne Parkkila, Filip Radulovic, Daniel Garijo, María Poveda-Villalón, Jouni Ikonen, Jari Porras, Asunción Gómez-Pérez. “An ontology for videogame interoperability”. Multimedia Tools and Applications. Springer US. Fecha: 2016. DOI:
- Filip Radulovic, María Poveda-Villalón, Daniel Vila-Suero, Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel, Raúl García-Castro, Asunción Gómez-Pérez. “Guidelines for Linked Data generation and publication: An example in building energy consumption”. Automation in Construction. ELSEVIER. Vol 57. Pages (78- 187). 2015. DOI: