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Irrigation Use Case


The IRRINOV method was developed by Arvalis institution and its partners. This method is a decision system used by farmers to determine some time instant of the irrigation process. This method proposes a guide for farmers to make irrigation decisions based on measurements of soil moisture sensors and pluviometers. In other words, the method enables to answer the questions:

  1. When should the irrigation start? That is to say when the farmer should instal his watering system on the plot?
  2. When is the next time the crop should be watering?
  3. When should the irrigation stop?

The IRRINOV method provides some guidelines to manage irrigation on a single plot. It is based on a set of decision tables and recommendations that farmers read to manage their irrigation system based on sensor measurements localized in their plot. Such method proposes numerous variants depending on the specific soil, plot and crop types. We will use the IRRINOV method of the region Limagne dedicated to maize crop (Arvalis,Limagrain, Chambre d’Agriculture du Puy-de-Dome, 2005).

Based on this human-oriented decision method we would like to implement an adaptive context-aware system dedicated to irrigation that integrates the IRRINOV guidelines. This automatic system will be deployed on the AgroTechnoPole of Irstea.


  • María Poveda-Villalón , Quang-Duy Nguyen , Catherine Roussey, Christophe de Vaulx, Jean-Pierre Chanet.

Besoins ontologiques d’un système d’irrigation intelligent : comparaison entre SSN et SAREF. IC 2018, Nancy.

  • Irrigation Use case of AgrotechnoPole has been showcased as one of the use cases for SAREF4AGRI during IoT Week 2018, Bilbao, Jun 04 to June 08, 2018

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