Weather data with SSN ontology

This dataset is deprecated. It was build with the old version of Semantic Sensor Network. It contains data from 2015 to 2016. Please contact Catherine Roussey ( and Stephan Bernard ( if you need to access this dataset.

A new RDF dataset based on the new version of SSN is available on here.

Weather data is the providing of RDF data about one of the meteorological stations that Irstea owns in its experimental farm at Montoldre.

Data structure

The SSN 2014 paper describes the data structure based on several ontologies see

For the moment, the templates files linked below contain the data structure written in a almost rdf-turtle format.

You can also have a look at some sample queries.

Data flow from csv files to sparql endpoint

Source files

  • sensors.ttl : The definition of the meteorological station and its sensors.
  • timestamp.tpl.ttl : The template used to generate timestamps.
  • data.tpl.ttl : The template used to convert csv data to turtle-rdf.
  • : The shell script doing the data flow from csv file to sparql endpoint.

A change log is being released (in french) concerning the evolution of IRSTEA's weather data server.


  • jena-fuseki as a RDF server.
  • csvfix a tool for manipulating csv files.
  • raptor and its tool named rapper to convert rdf formats.


  • C. ROUSSEY, S. BERNARD, G. ANDRE, O. CORCHO, G. de SOUSA, D. BOFFETY, J.-P CHANET: Weather Station Data Publication at Irstea: An implementation report. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Sensor Networks, SSN 2014, in conjunction with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2014, Rida Del Garda, Italy, 20 october 2014, p. 89-104. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol 1401:

Weather data







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