Weather with SOSA/SSN ontology

This RDF dataset contains the measurements generated by one of the meteorological stations that Irstea owns in its experimental farm at Montoldre. The dataset contains measurements collected from August 2018 up to day. This dataset is updated daily.

Dataset uses the new Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, called (and prefixed) sosa. We also reused some specific ontologies:

  • The unit are described by the QUDT ontology.
  • The sensor are described by the AWS ontology.
  • The location of the weather station is described by the LOCN vocabulary and the geosparql ontology.

The weather station is the same used to generate another RDF dataset based on the old Semantic Sensor Network Ontology. The old dataset is deprecated. More information are available on here.

The data are available under the french open licence of etalab This licence it is compatible with the «Open Government Licence» (OGL) of the United Kingdom, the «Creative Commons Attribution 2.0» (CC-BY 2.0) licence of Creative Commons and the «Open Data Commons Attribution» (ODC-BY) licence of the Open Knowledge Foundation.

This dataset is aligned with


C. ROUSSEY,S. BERNARD, G. ANDRÉ, D. BOFFETY. Weather Data Publication on the LOD using SOSA/SSN Ontology. Semantic Web Journal, 2019

This dataset was published on Datahub.

A turtle dump file is available at Dump file. It contains data from August 2018 to July 2019. If the dump is no more available please contact or

Access to SPARQL End Point

Access with a Web browser

Access for developer using their own SPARQL client

Access with other SPARQL client (such as sparql-query) is available on the URL or Please limit the results of queries because the database contains more than 18,500,000 triples (one measure per 10 minutes).

Data Structure




Time Interval

Tools and source files

The sources files to insert data into the SPARQL endpoint from CSV files or PostgreSQL table are availabe on irstea gitlab.

SPARQL Query Example

Minimal temperature per day in June 2019

 SELECT ?day (MIN(?t) AS ?min_temp)   
      ?o  a sosa:Observation ;
         sosa:observedProperty <> ;
         sosa:resultTime ?timeStamp ;
         sosa:hasResult [ qudt:numericValue ?t ] ;
          BIND (DAY(?timeStamp+"PT6H"^^xsd:duration) AS ?day)
         FILTER (YEAR(?timeStamp)=2019   && MONTH(?timeStamp)=06)
  GROUP BY ?day ORDER BY ?day

Quantity of solar radiation per month

  SELECT (concat(str(?year),str(?month)) as ?dt) (SUM(?value * ?duration) / 60000 AS ?total_flux)
  WHERE { {
      [] a sosa:Observation ;
            sosa:observedProperty <> ;
            sosa:phenomenonTime [ time:hasDuration [ time:unitType time:unitMinute ;
                                                                                 time:numericDuration ?duration ] ;
                                                         time:hasEnd [ time:inDateTime [
                                                        time:year ?year; time:month ?month ]]];
     sosa:hasResult [ qudt:numericValue ?value ] ;
    } } GROUP BY ?year ?month ORDER BY ?year ?month

Last measurements of temperature

  SELECT ?time ?temp WHERE 
              { { 
              SELECT ?time ?temp WHERE 
                           []  a sosa:Observation ;
                               sosa:observedProperty <> ;
                               sosa:hasResult [ qudt:numericValue ?temp ] ;
                               sosa:phenomenonTime [ time:inXSDDateTimeStamp ?time ];
               ORDER BY DESC(?time) LIMIT 288}
   ORDER BY ?time

Weather data







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